Land & Nature

Published : Thu 5th Sep
As part of our ongoing commitment to, and investment in, our Land & Nature programme we are appointing experts across the Land and Nature disciplines to help us to look after our places and restore a healthy and beautiful natural environment.
We welcome your expertise in helping us deliver on our key objectives: to preserve and restore the natural beauty of our land, environment and historic buildings.
To find out about the new opportunities not yet listed please contact Lee Henderson-Williams – Internal Recruiter at the National Trust.
- Apprenticeships (53)
- Building Surveying (3)
- Business Services (2)
- Catering (1)
- Communications and Marketing (3)
- Conservation (10)
- Countryside (10)
- Curatorship (3)
- Diversity (1)
- Estate Management (4)
- Finance (2)
- Food and Beverage (7)
- Fundraising (8)
- Gardening (11)
- General Management (2)
- Governance (2)
- Heritage Building Crafts (4)
- Holidays (3)
- House and Collections (4)
- IT (8)
- Membership (1)
- People and Legal (3)
- Projects and Programmes (6)
- Retail (2)
- This is us (5)
- Visitor Experience (3)
- Volunteer and Community (3)
- Volunteering (1)
- Work Experience (1)
- Young People (12)