
We’re working hard to tackle the climate and nature crisis. Our countryside teams deliver for nature, people and climate every day. Come and play your part.
The great outdoors don’t stay great on their own. Nor do they share their own stories. That’s where our landscape loving, hard-working Countryside teams come in. They’re responsible for the day-to-day management of the great outdoors: delivering great work in nature conservation, mitigating climate change and ensuring our visitors have a great experience.
We’re a team of skilled professionals in countryside management, working on the frontline for the benefit of nature, climate, people and heritage. Our role is crucial, and for many visitors we’re the Trust’s representatives on the ground. We ensure that our wildlife and habitats are thriving, our visitors enjoy their time with us and we share a real passion for the natural world.
Ultimately, our work is closely linked to climate change, as the single biggest threat to the health and vitality of the nature around us. Success for us means success for everyone, and the planet.
Join us and you’ll work in some of the nation’s most wild and wonderful places and spaces. Come rain or shine, your love of the outdoors will inspire others as you strive to ensure that landscapes are beautifully presented and continue to take our visitors’ breath away.
As you can imagine, this is a broad and hugely important area of the National Trust, so there are many roles you could join us in. As an Apprentice Ranger you could start your career by learning from some of our most experienced colleagues. Assistant Rangers, Rangers and Area Rangers deliver practical tasks on a daily basis while Lead Rangers and Countryside Managers support their teams with their management and leadership skills.
The things we do for you
We want you to learn, discover and develop your career. And we’ll do everything we can to offer you the training, support and development that you need to achieve your goals. This could, for example, include helping you to study for a professional qualification appropriate to your career, trying something new or moving into a different business area. We’ll work with you to plan your development in a way that’s right for your needs.
Investing in you
Induction. Your learning in the Trust starts with your induction. Whatever role you're here to do we'll explain what to expect, show you where to go and make sure you understand your new environment before you get going.
Personal career progression development programme. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to development. Tailored to you our ‘Grow Your Own Career’ approach is in place to help you identify where you see your career heading, and the best ways to get there.
Learning resources. We all learn in different ways and respond to different styles. It’s what works for you, whether that’s on-the-job training, flexible e-learning or one-to-one support. And in an organisation of our size and diversity, there’s plenty of room to develop and places to go.
Future Engage and Deliver leadership programme. If you’re in a management role we’ll support you to become a better leader through our ‘Future Engage and Deliver’ leadership programme. The programme is designed to make sure you’re well-equipped with the skills and confidence to lead your teams to deliver our plans.
Professional subscriptions. If you need to hold a qualification for your role, from either a legal or professional point of view, we’ll cover the cost of your membership fee. We’ll need to see that it’s part of your continuous professional development, though.
Employee volunteering. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the National Trust and many other charities. That's why we'll give you every opportunity to get involved with some volunteering outside the Trust. It's also a brilliant way to try new things, learn new skills and meet new people. So we'll give you up to five paid days per year to do your bit.
Secondments. Secondments are an excellent way for you to gain and practise new skills in real life situations, preparing you for a potential next career move. They usually last from three to 12 months – ideal for temporary or project roles.
Countryside people
As an assistant ranger, I help with all aspects of work being carried out on the Killerton Estate, from herding highland cattle to orchard pruning and apple pressing! It’s fantastic to be able to get involved in so many different tasks, as I’m constantly learning and no two days are ever the same. I couldn’t recommend working for the National Trust enough, there’s no other place like it!
Assistant Ranger
I am part of a small friendly team at Wenlock Edge, an 18 mile escarpment with ancient woodland, limestone grassland and Hazel dormice, and I love that this stunning place is my office. My job is so varied, I could be felling trees, engaging with visitors, leading volunteers, surveying the wildlife, posting on social media and much more. I’m also a Ranger Champion which is an amazing opportunity for professional development and for shaping and supporting the delivery of organisational strategies.
Working as a ranger in the Lake District is such an incredibly rewarding job; I work every day in one of the most beautiful places in England, helping to care for nature and keep it a beautiful place for visitors to come and enjoy.
Area Ranger
Delivering a shared long-term goal, enhancing and restoring our environment while helping people connect with it brings great satisfaction. All the while, I’m working alongside some of the most passionate people I’ve ever met.
Lead Ranger
After 25 years I’m still challenged and surprised by this job! I love the variety and the fact my role allows me to shape the direction of the estate I manage. I’m also incredibly lucky to work with fantastic colleagues and experts in conservation management.